Student Cell Phone/ Tech Contract

   Cimarron Middle School


 Student Expectations:

  • If my parents allow me to have/use a technology device (phone, air pod, smart watch, etc) I will turn it off and keep it in my backpack during school hours unless a staff member allows them for use as an educational tool. After asking a staff member for permission, students may use their device to contact parents in the designated pod during lunch.
  • I will not use technology (social media, texts, etc.) in a way that threatens or harms myself or others inside or outside of school. I will report any harmful, threatening, or bullying behavior (written, picture or video) to Safe2Tell, police, parents, or staff members immediately.
  • I will respect, take care of all school technology, and use it appropriately (Chromebooks, laptops, desktops) in line with the Be Red expectations. 

Failure to hand over your phone to a staff member when prompted to do so, will be considered an act of defiance and will result in additional consequences.

Parent Expectations:

  • I will monitor my child’s use of his/her technology device and reinforce the student expectation, policy, and contract with my child.
  • I will ensure my child understands the implications of misuse of technology (social media, texts, etc.) that threatens or harms them or others, and will report any harmful, threatening, or bullying behavior (written, picture or video) to Safe2Tell, police, parents, or staff members immediately.
  • I understand if I call or text my child during the school day, it may result in a tech violation for my child. 
  • I will call the Cimarron Main Office at: 720-433-0120, for any communication, emergency or otherwise, during school hours of 7:30 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.


Helpful Tools in Monitoring your Child’s Device:


Technology Discipline Enforcement Policy:

I understand and accept the school’s policy on technology devices.  I agree that if I violate any part of the expectations within this contract, the school consequences will be enforced and used as a guideline for school administrators. The consequence can be changed at the discretion of the administration based on the severity of the infraction.

1st offense - Device confiscated and brought to the office until the end of the school day

2nd offense - Device confiscated, brought to office and parents notified

3rd offense - Device confiscated, parents pick up device from office, and after school detention

4th offense - Device not allowed at school for the rest of the school year and Saturday school.